Emotional Ease Meditation

My most recent podcast episode is a guided meditation for "emotional ease". Those words may conjure up a vision of euphoria or floating in a comfortable cloud, but that's not what it means. Although you'll hopefully feel more relaxed and at ease after the meditation, it will be a result of being able to actually stay present to your emotions rather than resisting them or becoming mentally involved with them. Emotional ease is about being present to what is happening without struggling with it, and that includes feeling all emotions including those you may not want to feel, such as sadness, grief and anger.

Ease in living is not about life being easy. Life isn't easy! It's about the ability to flow with what happens, the "good" and "bad" events and the "pleasant" and "unpleasant" reactions to those events. While some guided meditations give us some respite from life's storms and a chance to relax by encouraging visualizations of beautiful, relaxing places, my approach is to encourage surrender to whatever is happening right here, right now. While it can be helpful at times to escape, peace in life ultimately comes from being able to remain right in the heart of the storm (whether it is a storm of events or an emotional storm). I hope this latest meditation will help some of you with that!